A Tanzania registered charitable trust (number 5316)
Ralph was born in 1940, is married with four children, and was Professor of Mathematics at both the University of Dar es Salaam and the Open Universitty of Tanzania. He graduated in 1968 from the University of Wurzburg (West Germany), and then gained an MSc in 1972 at Linacre College, Oxford University and a PhD in 1986 from the University of Dar es Salaam. Prof. Masenge has dedicated his entire career to teaching Mathematics both at the University of Dar es Salaam, the Open University of Tanzania, and currently at Marian University College, a Constituent College of St. Augustine University of Tanzania, where he is also the Deputy Principal for Administration and Finance. Prof. Masenge is the author of several publications, including some 20 books on Mathematics.
Aisha is an Advocate of the High Court of Tanzania and advises clients on a wide range of areas, including general corporate matters, banking & finance, civil aviation, mergers & acquisition, mining, oil & gas, telecommunication and real estate. In addition, she has in the past worked in the oil & gas M&A department at Allen & Overy LL.P and Royal Dutch Shell in London as part of the International Lawyers for Africa (ILFA) programme in 2012. Aisha was also seconded to the World Trade Organization in 2010 were she contributed to the work of the Africa Unit of the ITTC on a broad range of issues, including the challenges facing African countries in the multilateral trading system after the global financial crisis and their participation in the WTO dispute settlement system. Aisha is a member of Tanganyika Law Society - Young Lawyers Committee, East Africa Law Society and International Lawyers for Africa In-Country Committee. She has also written numerous articles on investment and trade issues in Tanzania.
Elizabeth is a Certified Public Accountant CPA (T) with Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting from University of Dar-es-salaam and on-going MSc Finance from the University of Strathclyde (Scotland). She worked with KPMG Tanzania for two years and a half (2011-Feb 2014) as a Statutory Auditor prior joining National Bank of Commerce Tanzania Limited (which is part of Barclays Africa Group) as a Manager Internal Controls and Rigor, and currently she is a Market Risk Analyst in Treasury Middle Office.
Beatus is an expert in the field of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Sciences specializing in the Ecology and Management of Invasive plant Species, Nature Conservation and Sustainability. He holds a Doctorate degree (Life Sciences) from the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (Tanzania), MSc in Education for Sustainability from London-South Bank University (UK), MBA degree from the Open University of Tanzania and a BSc Forestry and Nature Conservation from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. With passion in nature conservation linked to sustainable rural community livelihood, Dr Beatus has researched and worked in various positions in the forest conservation programs, ministry of education, United States Peace Corps Tanzania and the University of Washington International Training and Education Center for Health. He is currently a Lecturer in Higher Learning Institution in Tanzania and Consultant of Biogeography, Conservation, Ecosystem and Sustainability Sciences. Away from work, Beatus likes family business, physical activities and green entrepreneurship initiatives.
Tumaini holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Management (Accounting) (Hons) from the University of Dar es Salaam. He is also a member of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Currently Tumaini is pursuing an Msc. In Finance at the University of Strathclyde of Scotland.
Having worked as an Auditor for KPMG Tanzania and Audit Manager at ABA Alliance which are both Audit firms dealing with provision of consultancy services like Audit, Tax and Advisory, Tumaini has a vast and solid background in accounting and auditing and a good knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Standards on Auditing (ISA’s).
Currently Tumaini works for Balton Tanzania Limited as the Company Accountant. Balton Tanzania Limited is a subsidiary of Balton CP, a British company with 9 subsidiaries and operations in 19 Sub Saharan African countries. Since its launch in 1964, Balton Tanzania Ltd has been delivering high quality projects and business solutions which span the fields of Communications Technologies, Agriculture, and Electromechanical Engineering.
Erick is not one of the Trustees of T4T but is a key member of the T4T national Team. Erick hails from Songea, and has a BA in Statistics from The University of Dar es Salaam, and Masters degrees in Epidemiology (University of London) and Public Health (University of Tsinghau). In addition he has received extensive professional training in HIV research in both Entebbe, Uganda, and at The University of Sydney. More recently he has just completed a one Fellowship in Clinical Research Data Management & Statistical Analysis at the Luxembourg Institute of Health. He has previously worked at the University of Sokoine.
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